Thursday, October 8, 2009

A 2 year olds perspective on Lobsters

The other night brad was playing with Noah on the living room floor. They were playing with two rubber Lobsters that a friend had given Noah as a souvenir from her trip to Maine. The lobsters were attacking each other and occasionally attacking Brad and Noah when the moment felt right ;) Lots of conservation between Brad and our 2 year old took place about the lobsters.

When bedtime rolled around, Noah commenced to stripping naked. After several requests that he get redressed failed the following conversation was the cause for MUCH laughter.

Brad: If you don't get redressed the lobsters will come up the stairs and bite your butt.
Noah: No they won't
Brad: yes, they will, I promise, if you sleep naked the lobsters will come upstairs and bite your butt.
Noah: (matter-of-factly) No they won't. Lobsters can't come up the stairs, they don't have legs to walk on.

Ah well, we tried to get him to get redressed LOL

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