Sunday, November 1, 2009

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Carving Pumpkins and Toddler Conversations

We had carved a pumpkin earlier this month, but it met it's moldy demise this week. We had two other carving pumpkins that were just begging to have their guts pulled out and their flesh cut open into fun little patterns and shapes :)

Here are our carving adventures.








I love my Nikkor 35mm 1.8 lens !!!!!

Conversation with Noah from today:

We had to run a few errands today to look for a carving kit. We went to three different places and NO ONE had one to think of.....

As we approached Hobby Lobby, I looked in the rear view and noticed Noah nodding off to sleep and the following conversation occurred:
Mommy: Hey, Noah don't go to sleep yet, we're just about to the next store
Noah: It's okay Mommy, just wake me up when we get to the other place


Monday, October 26, 2009

What a smart little boy!

Noah has amazed us these last few days with things that he says.

Yesterday, we went to Boo at the Zoo and had a fabulous time. When it was time to leave we allowed Noah to enter a gift shop to pick out a souvenir. As we walked out, Brad pointed out a 6 foot tall Bear and Noah said, "But it costs 4 dollars!!!!" He was matter-of-fact about that, too.

Today, we went to The Children's Place to buy Noah a "newsboy" cap for his pictures next week. While we were there Noah wanted a pair of Dinosaur slippers and I obliged. Upon getting in the car, Noah wanted to wear his new digs. I pulled the tags off of his cap and slippers and put them on for him and then got into the front seat. I cranked the car and began to back out when Noah screamed " WAIT, WAIT!!!" I said, "What's wrong Noah?", "I'm not being safe, I'm not being safe.!", I said, "What Noah, OH, did I forget to buckle you in?" "Yep!!", he replies!!So I pull back in the space and get out and buckle him in his seat. Good call Noah!!!

You can see all of our recent adventures on my Flickr site:

A few from today!



Monday, October 19, 2009

Fall Fun!

Saturday evening we had the pleasure of spending the evening with the Davis's, Christa, Bill, and Lilyana. The night was so much fun, we had a pumpkin carving contest, well not so much a contest, but fun just the same. We also watched The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown and Noah and Lilyana had a great time playing with each other. The other guests left, but Noah wanted to stay and watch Monsters VS Aliens. It was so adorable as Noah sat and put his arm around Lilyana and they sat on her Tinkerbell couch and watched the movie. Kids are TOO cute!!!

Every year there is an assisted living facility that holds a Trick or Treat afternoon, here in Burlington, so on Sunday we were delighted to attend. Not only is it fun for the kids, (kids love candy), but the residents really love it as well. Noah had a wonderful afternoon at Liberty Commons.






Thursday, October 15, 2009

Noah loves Mommy and Daddy

Here lately Noah has begged "Don't leave without me!!!!", when we leave for work. It's heartbreaking really... :( He is growing really attached and misses us when we aren't around.

Yesterday he matter-of-factly walked up to my Mom and said "Grandma, I want to go to Starbucks and get a chocolate milk!!" I think she created a monster.

And he has made a friend, Grayson, a little boy of a friend of my Mom's, he is 8 months older than Noah and Noah loves him to death.

Here are some pics of Noah from the other night, being silly and wearing Mommy and Daddy's glasses.






Romance and Fairytales

We had the utmost pleasure of attending the wedding of a VERY dear friend of mine this evening. It was an enchanted evening set in the most fantasy filled venue I could have ever imagined, Castle McCullough.

Joey and Kristy have been together for 10 years and embarked on a new journey in their life this evening, in one of THE most touching wedding ceremonies that I have ever witnessed. Full of emotion, two people very much in love laid it all out for everyone in their words and their body language.

I have never been more privileged to witness something so beautiful between two people so much in love.

I am so happy for them and wish them a lifetime of love and magic.

I wasn't able to get many, if any, good shots this evening, due to poor lighting, even with my fastest lens. I refrained from using flash to be respectful.

But here is what I did get :)

My long-time friend Ryan, I was so excited to see him there!!!! Totally unexpected!!
It's all in the details!!! Each one of these cards had a different quote from several Cinderella movies.




Thursday, October 8, 2009

A 2 year olds perspective on Lobsters

The other night brad was playing with Noah on the living room floor. They were playing with two rubber Lobsters that a friend had given Noah as a souvenir from her trip to Maine. The lobsters were attacking each other and occasionally attacking Brad and Noah when the moment felt right ;) Lots of conservation between Brad and our 2 year old took place about the lobsters.

When bedtime rolled around, Noah commenced to stripping naked. After several requests that he get redressed failed the following conversation was the cause for MUCH laughter.

Brad: If you don't get redressed the lobsters will come up the stairs and bite your butt.
Noah: No they won't
Brad: yes, they will, I promise, if you sleep naked the lobsters will come upstairs and bite your butt.
Noah: (matter-of-factly) No they won't. Lobsters can't come up the stairs, they don't have legs to walk on.

Ah well, we tried to get him to get redressed LOL